Walking to work this morning, shivering in my completely inappropriate-for-the-weather gladiator sandals and tiny cardigan, I realized that alas summer is officially over. I started coming to terms with the idea tuesday night (Sept 7th) when I took my sister to the Molson Amphitheatre to see Vampire Weekend...it was to be my last outdoor concert of the summer (though the Amp has three more outdoor concerts scheduled until the end of September...including KISS tomorrow night, sweet right?) and rightfully so, with the temperature plummeting as it is.
We went to the venue with our sweaters tucked into our bags...bought two plastic cup-fulls of red wine to warm up, sat in our plastic seats and listened...
Victoria Legrand and Alex Scally of Beach House |
The opening act was a fiery group fronted by a bushy haired and husky voiced maven. Beach House's fearless front woman Victoria Legrand commanded the stage from behind her keyboard, though she admitted the venue was far bigger than the group was used to. Nevertheless, their big and sweeping sound transcended intimidation and won over the audience. There were even a few people brought to their feet...dancing around their seats like flower children on acid (yeah...they may have actually been on acid).
Then came Vampire Weekend. These boys look like they've never been unhappy in their entire lives...no trace of angst or resentment in their act. Don't get me wrong, they know how to entertain, but its a different kind of vibe than say, Ray Lamontagne or The Arkells or even their openers Beach House. They're less concerned with the depth, and the subsequent poppy fun vibe permeates the whole act. You can hear it in their music too. So it was a good show but not quite the ride I enjoy when I go to a concert. Yah I like to feel happy, sad, angry, and uplifted througout the course of a concert. But I guess if there had been more than just red wine involved my experience would've been different....
Phone Shot of My Last Summer Concert :( |
So all in all, I'd recommend listening to Vampire Weekend's album
Contra...but more than that I'd recommend checking out Beach House. Go to their
myspace or buy their album on iTunes if your feeling like supporting the musician's cause